ANTCALC.ZIP [0] Calculate Dimensions Of Hf Wire Antennas
ANTDES.ZIP [0] Antenna Design Aid
ANTDL6WU.ZIP [0] ANTDL6WU v1.0 YAGI DESIGN program for 50mhz & up based on the work of Gunter Hock, DL6WU. Also designs T-match, coax baluns, & provides sources of materials. By WA2TIF, K1DPP, & W1JOT. Written in Basic
ANTENNA.ZIP [0] Antenna Length for Wire Antennas
ANTENNA1.ZIP [0] Antenna Tutorial, Pt. 1: General
ANTENNA2.ZIP [0] Antenna Tutorial, Pt. 2: Low Hf
ANTENNA3.ZIP [0] Antenna Tutorial, Pt. 3: Middle Hf
ANTENNA4.ZIP [0] Antenna Tutorial, Pt. 4: Uhf/vhf
ANTENNAS.ZIP [0] Complete Anntenna Series By Wayne Sarosi, KB4YLY
ANTFO.ZIP [0] ANTFO v2.0 YAGI ANTENNA DESIGN program for 144mhz & up based on the work of Steve Powlishen, K1FO. Also designs baluns, and provides sources for materials. Written in Basic by WA2TIF.
ANTPLOT.ZIP [0] Side-Tower Mounted Antenna Pattern Predictio Program V5.3, By Antenna
ANT_CALC.ZIP [0] Antenna Calculation Series written in basic
APLOT535.ZIP [0] Pattern Prediction Program For Side-Mounted Tower Antennas
ARIEL16.ZIP [0] ARIEL v1.6 HF Wire Antenna/Xmission Line
ASA11.ZIP [0] Antenna System Analysis V1.1 For Windows
BEAM.ZIP [0] Info On Construction Of Beam Antennas
BEAM110.ZIP [0] BEAM Antenna Heading & Distance Color Map of the World - Shareware 640x480 VGA Required, Mouse Preferred
COAXTRAP.ZIP [0] Bas Program To Design Trap Antennas From
DISCONE.ZIP [0] Explanation Of Discone Antennas
DISCONE1.ZIP [0] How to build a Discone Antenna by K5DKZ
DISCONES.ZIP [0] Good Text Info On Discone Antennas And How
JPOLE.ZIP [0] J-Pole Design Program V1.1 For Any Freq, By WA2ISE
LOADPOLE.ZIP [0] Hams: Loaded Dipole Antenna Design Program
LWACR.ZIP [0] Long Wire antenna calculator for shortwave listeners. Revised versn.
MAST.ZIP [0] Antenna Mast Design v1.0 beta by KD4NUE W7
T2FD.ZIP [0] How To Make A Term Tilted Folded Dipole
TUNER.ZIP [0] How to build a simple antenna tuner
TVRO13.ZIP [0] TVRO ASSISTANT v1.3: Application for calculating look angles, focal length, f/D ratio and declination for home satellite dish antennas. User-accessable database with up to 100 satellites. DOS, 286 or greater, CGA or
VHF-YAGI.ZIP [0] Design a YAGI
VHFYAGI3.ZIP [0] Used to Design YAGI VHF Antennaes
WK_POLE.ZIP [0] This antenna project comes courtesy of VE4MJM The files were received as faxes and converted into .PCX format.
WNDIPOLE.ZIP [0] Simple Dipole Calculations For Windows, By N4PVU
YA101PAT.ZIP [0] Yagi analyzer patch for YA v1.0
YAGICA.ZIP [0] Yagicad Yagi Design Program
YAGIMAX.ZIP [0] Yagi Antenna Design Program For Radio Hams